Thursday, July 31, 2008

Meet The Parents

No, not the Ben Stiller movie.

Real life, ME, meeting the parents, TOMORROW. I'm hoping for a casual meet-and-greet, but this is big. Wine will help.

More updates to come - OW OW OW!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Theme Song

What is your "song"? You know, the song that always puts you in a good mood and the one you don't mind belting out in the car even with the person in the next lane staring at you like you're insane.

I can think of a handful that I can blast on my iPod when I'm struggling through the end of the day at work or if I'm having a terrible day. Currently, these are my top faves in no particular order:

1. Got My Mind Set On You - George Harrison
2. I Wanna Be Rich - Calloway
3. No Surrender - Springsteen
4. Oh Sherrie - Steve Perry (always)
5. Sweetheart - Mariah Carey

What are yours? I need some new material for my iTunes. Donchita, I know you have a few special karaoke jams you can share.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Today Is My Friday

I'll be on Vineyard time until Sunday. No cell, no email, just beach. And maybe an excessive amount of wine, but hey, it's vacation.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Firepit Anyone?

I'm in the market to buy a firepit for our backyard. With friends coming over Saturday night, I thought it would a nice addition to a night of drinking.

So I conned N into coming with me to find one. I used the ploy, "I need to use your truck, a firepit won't fit in my matchbox of a car." He graciously agreed to join :) So he and I spent the day together going in and out of the likes of Home Depot and Lowes. Not one firepit to be found. Seriously?

I've asked around and I guess they are sold at Target and the Christmas Tree Shop. The two places we didn't check. Even though we didn't find one, everything worked out - good day, good night and we borrowed our neighbor's firepit. It was a hit.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This article really made my afternoon. The list is a year old, but has some of the best celeb baby names I've ever heard.

Fifi Trixibell?
Diva Muffin?
Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily?

This was sent to me for a good laugh, but this is real life for these people. I know the parents are famous, but that doesn't mean their kids won't be tortured in school. For the attention of the media, these parents are setting their kids up for disaster. Goodluck in the future, Fifi.

What is the most rediculous baby name you've heard of?

Monday, July 14, 2008

"A Breath Of Fresh Air"

And that it was. Things are really starting to look up and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Day At The Office

Yesterday, I had a great conversation with a few girls from work. Below I've included the highlight of the discussion.

When talking about the possibility of dating a 29-year-old:

#1: Guys are so immature in general, go for an older guy. There are so many reasons why older guys are better...
#2: (With a nonchalant shrug) Yeah they make more money than younger guys.

And there you have it. A perfect/honest response. We were all in agreement, even one of my male co-workers. I'd like to think he really agreed or maybe it was because he was surrounded by 10 women, but either way, might as well give it a shot.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Madonna and A-Rod?

Say it ain't so! I'm patiently waiting to hear that the Yankee and the Material Girl are just friends. But either way, the truth always comes out.

Is it really that difficult to be monogamous? Or honest for that matter? It shouldn't be. I hope love prevails in this case, but as I'm told, "everything happens for a reason."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why I Love The 4th Of July

Fireworks. And only white fireworks. Not to say there is something wrong with the red or purple or blue ones, but they definitely don't pack the punch white fireworks do. They are magical.

You would also think that based on how much I despise thunder storms that I would have a problem with the deafening sound they make. But I'm totally fine with going to a park, crowded with 1,oo0s of people and not being able to hear what someone is saying next to me just for the simple pleasure of a couple bursts of light in the sky.

For those reading, have a happy and safe holiday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, AL!

You deserve only the very best - enjoy your day xoxo