Happy New Year!
It's definitely tough to get back into the swing of things today. The last two weeks have been filled with lots of family and friend time. Egg nog drinking, movie watching and eating until I couldn't eat anymore. Perfection.
I also received a slew of fabulous gifts and I am very thankful.
But this year I bought myself the mother of all gifts. A major splurge. I bought a Gucci bag. The thing is beautiful. It should walk and talk given the hit to my bank account, but the minute I touched the leather, I couldn't resist and I broke out the debit card.
And I gave a very special gift. I made a pot roast. Correct, I don't eat meat and I made a pot roast. All for my meat-lovin bf. He died and went to heaven. The smile on his face let me know that the special dinner entree was his favorite Christmas gift of all. It's the little things in our house.
What special gift did you receive/give?