Today, Whoorl wrote about this book,

and it got me thinking about the things in my life that have become obsolete and which ones I miss (will miss) and which ones that I've happily waved goodbye to.
What I'll miss:
- Cassette tapes - My Born in the U.S.A. tape brought about my love for music at a young age. I'm forever thankful to whoever (probably my parents) bought it for me and let me listen to it 874503498 on repeat.
- Camera film - My nana is the only person I know that still uses an old-school camera and film and I love it. There is no picking and choosing the best picture of the bunch. She prints out all the pictures she takes and if someone blinks or a couple people are cut out of a shot, the picture is what it is - and that's the beauty of it.
- Cursive writing - I could never master the art of cursive writing; being a lefty, it was really hard to learn. There is something elegant about cursive writing and makes a letter that much more personal. I hope this never becomes obsolete (and letters in general for that matter).
Time to say goodbye:
- Getting lost - Garmin, your GPS has made my life less stressful. Thank you. Adios map in the back seat of my car that I could never read correctly or pay attention long enough to learn.
- Manual car windows - My last car had manual car windows. More times that I can count, a friend would pull up next to me at a red light and try to say hello and in order to respond, I would have to lunge across the front seat of the car and uncomfortably and embarrassingly crank the window down. I'm happy to have upgraded.
- Handkerchiefs - No explanation needed.
Tell me about the things in your life that have become obsolete - for the good or the bad!
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