Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If You Found A Hundred Dollar Bill On The Sidewalk...

How would you spend it? There is a lot you could buy for $100, but I would do the following:

Buy this adorable dress from J.Crew - $39.99 (on sale!)

Treat the fam to an icecream at Pizzi Farm because Dad has paid one too many times (my pick: Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip frozen yogurt) - $14.00

Share an Upper Crust Garden Veggie pizza with my best girl friends accompanied by a hefty glass of chardonnay - $20.75

Rent a movie On Demand with N - $4.99

Call in sick from work and head to Good Harbor beach in Gloucester for the day - $20 to park ($25 on weekends)

I'm pretty happy with my choices and the grand total comes to... $99.73. Perfect.

For my blogger friends, please share your lists on your blogs. For my non-blogger friends, I'd love to read your lists too. Shoot me a comment with how you would blow 100 bucks if you had the chance!

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