Monday, December 15, 2008

In a Nutshell

This is what my life consists of lately:

6:00am - wake up, get ready
7:20am - drive to train station
7:42am - get on the train after waiting in the freezing cold for approx. 15 minutes (some days in the rain - let me tell you, I will be investing in an umbrella)
8:10am - get to new job, attempt the Metro crossword puzzle
8:30am - start the work day
5:41pm - wish I was getting on the train
6:38pm - pray I make the train (If not, I call Dad or the boy and hope I can score a ride)
Anytime between 7pm and 9pm - GET HOME :)

I then eat a quick dinner and pass out.

The things I miss:

A 5-minute commute (driving)
The gym
My RPG friends
Sleeping through the night
Seeing the boy at normal hours of the day

My hope is this is just a transition and I will fall into a routine sooner than later. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I will be feeling your pain come Dec. 29th when I start making the 80-mile round-trip commute to lovely Lowell.

Let me know if Greenough ever gets another opening - I want to work in the city! :)