I will be in Bermuda next week! I will be cruising out of Boston with my immediate family, my grandparents and my uncle and heading for the tropics. The 7 of us traveled together last June to Ireland and it was absolutely amazing - however, that trip was about visiting the "homeland" and this trip is strictly R&R.
A few things I'm looking forward to: eating dessert at every meal, sun, sand, piña coladas and the towels they contort to look like animals.
I have been trying to pack all week. I have gotten as far as throwing my summer clothes on my bedroom floor. They are not going to pack themselves, so I've dedicated tonight to organizing what I really need. For the normal person, this would not take the whole evening, but I'm an "over-packer" and I almost always forget a necessity - think toothbrush or contact lens case.
Wish me luck and think of me next week enjoying a piña colada with a pink umbrella.